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"Better than ever we provide the very best service from our professional crews that are always open to any concern and would be able to help you and provide the necessary action that you need. not to mention that everybody needs that kind of hospitability.


Our 24/7 crew services allows you to interact with them and assist you fully with all your concern and demands also they will guide you up until your car just to make sure that your safe along the way.


Here are Bell Convenience store we provide the most valuable service that everyone could have wanted and without hesitation we offer an extra mile of service for the customer to feel more catered and being given with the utmost attention, no other convenience store that provides you with that full option where you can drink, dine and shop at the same time, only here at Bell Convenience Store.


We started our store last January and the opening was a boom, we offered free drinks to those who came in and now we are very happy to see that most of our customers are very delighted with the service and products that is on the date of manufacture.


No Spoiled Goods Allowed -- is one of our main aim to maintain quality and value of our products.

we are only a phone call away

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